At Columbia Wellness, our commitment to outcomes that improve the quality of our patient’s life is unsurpassed. We drive and embrace change and take accountability seriously. Focused on creating a positive environment, we believe in the value of fun, hard work and compassion. We value our clients and want to see them succeed. We provide many different service options to customize treatment plans for each and every individual we serve.
Adult Services
Mental Health
Outpatient Individual Counseling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Outpatient Group Counseling
Psychiatric Medication
Substance Use Disorder
Outpatient Treatment
Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Co-Occurring Treatment
Group Treatment
LifeSkills Group
Inpatient Assessments and Referrals
SUD Assesments
Naloxone, take-home nasal spray, available to help reduce risk of death from opioid overdose
DUI & Department of Licensing Assessments
Oregon State Level Programs
Deferred Prosecution
Youth Substance Use Disorder
Outpatient services for youth 13-20 years of age. Younger ages are taken by referral
Individualized and Group Treatment
Inpatient assessments and referrals
Referrals to mental health treatment, educational and vocational resources
Helping youth in the juvenile justice system meet court and probation requirements
Children & Family Services
Mental Health
Outpatient Individual Counseling
Outpatient Family Counseling
Outpatient Group Counseling
Psychiatric Medications
Coordination of mental health services for incarcerated youth
School-Based Counseling
Gimme 5 For Life
Crisis Services
Cowlitz County
Crisis Counseling
Coordination of Care
Community Outreach
Safety Evaluations
Mobile Crisis Team
Grays Harbor County
Crisis Counseling
In-House Crisis Intervention
Adult Mobile Crisis Team
Youth Mobile Crisis Team
Coordination of Care
Community Outreach
Safety Evaluations
Wellness & Recovery Center
24/7 Admissions
24/7 Voluntary Unit
100% Confidential
8 Withdrawal Management Beds
8 Behavioral Health Diversion Beds
Dedicated Private Rooms & Treatment Areas
Professionally Prepared Hot Meals
Scheduled Smoking Breaks
Self-Referrals Accepted
Education & Support for Family Members
Discharge Planning & After-Care Coordination
“I really like that I feel heard, not just spoken to.”
At Columbia Wellness, our commitment to outcomes that improve the quality of our patient’s life is unsurpassed. Our programs are created on a strong foundation of partnerships and collaborative efforts with other organizations dedicated to healthcare. We specialize in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and ARC (Attachment, Regulation and Competency).
We offer various program choices to help fit the needs of each individual we serve. We understand that there is no 'one size fits all' plan regarding an individual's health. From prevention to lifestyle education to intensive treatment when needed, our services encompass a systemic approach to health management for adults, children, seniors, and families. We aim to serve each individual as a whole.
Transportation Resources
Wellness and Recovery Center Transportation: Monday - Friday | 7:30am - 3:30pm
RiverCities Transit: (360) 442-5663 or
Medicaid Transportation: (800) 752-9422, Option 2 | 8:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Med Coach (Medicaid): (360) 751-6222 | 5:00pm to 8:00am
No Show Policy
Attending your treatment appointments is the best way to ensure you meet your goals and feel better. We desire to do everything we can to help you find success. Please note that we require 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation, or it is considered a no-show appointment. After your second no-show, you may be closed to all services, including our medical department. We will try to contact you twice by phone and send a letter before we discharge services. A new intake is required to resume services after discharge.